Wednesday, June 29, 2011

FREE Harbortouch POS System - Frequently Asked Questions

Below we've answered some of the most common questions we receive regarding our Free Placement Harbortouch POS Systems.  If your questions have not been answered here, please contact us for more information.  We look forward to hearing from you!
Is the Harbortouch POS system an “entry level” or “basic” system?
Harbortouch POS systems will compete with all of the big names. However they will cost the merchant nothing to acquire compared to the tens of thousands of dollars that the competition charges for a POS system. Our POS systems offer a full range of features and have the same reporting capabilities, etc. as more expensive systems.

Does this system work with large chain accounts?
It doesn’t matter if it’s a single location mom and pop store or a 1,000 store pizzeria chain. Our POS system is designed for scale.

Who does the installation?
We have a nationwide network of professional installers to handle the installation of these systems.

Who trains the merchant?
Our installers will provide on-site training in conjunction with remote training from our dedicated team of implementation specialists at Harbortouch.

What is the process that takes place from the time a deal is submitted until installation?
  • Step 1: Once a complete deal is submitted to underwriting, the service agreement is evaluated to ensure the proper number of systems/hardware have been ordered.
  • Step 2: Harbortouch contacts the merchant to ensure we are aware of all the cabling requirements as well as menu/database items.
  • Step 3: Harbortouch builds the database/menu to the specifications of the merchant.
  • Step 4: The merchant reviews their database/menu in advance to ensure it's to their specifications. This is done “live” with a HT tech on the line.
  • Step 5: After the merchant approves the system design, installation is scheduled. At this point the equipment has been programmed and rigorously tested.
  • Step 6: Equipment is carefully packaged and then shipped to the merchant for install.
  • Step 7: The installation team installs the POS system.
  • Step 8: The merchant is trained on the operation of the system.
  • Step 9: Harbortouch is available to service the merchant and answer any of their questions.
After submitting an application how long does it take for the system to get installed?
Typically you can expect a three week turnaround from the time we receive a complete deal to the time of installation. Sometimes the turnaround time can be less than three weeks but a lot of it depends on the merchant. This is because we need the merchant to review the system and approve the menu screens and product database prior to installation.

What type of merchants can qualify for with this program?
All retail and hospitality merchants can qualify for this program. Specifically, clothing stores, gift shops, liquor stores, delicatessens, convenience stores, restaurants, fast food, fine dining, bars, night clubs, etc.

What happens if the merchant cancels early during the 5 year service agreement?
The merchant’s penalty would be the remaining number of months on the service agreement multiplied by the $59.00 service fee. UBC is investing thousands of dollars for each POS system we place free at a merchant location. We are making this investment based on an expectation of a long and happy credit card processing relationship with that merchant. If a merchant cancels early, that eliminates any possible return on investment.

Does the merchant have to utilize UBC’s credit card processing services with the free POS program?
Credit card processing services through United Bank Card are mandatory.

Does the POS system work on both dial and IP processing?
POS systems are designed to work only on high-speed IP processing networks and this is the case with Harbortouch.

Will the system stop working entirely if the Internet goes down?
The POS system functions will continue to work. For example, a restaurant can still place food orders, interact with the kitchen and the bar, etc. The receipts will still print and operate normally. However, the credit card processing functionality will not work. All merchants receive dial-pay as a back-up processing method and these days Internet outages are extremely uncommon.

Will the system stop working if just one system goes down?
If a merchant has four systems and one of them breaks down for whatever reason, the other three will work normally without any interruption. We will swap out the broken one and the merchant will be back up and running with all four systems as quickly as possible.

How will UBC handle a defective or broken POS system?
As long as the merchant is up to date on their service agreement payments, we will provide 24/7 support. This includes priority swaps of any broken or defective equipment. We maintain a daily back-up of the merchant’s system, so we can remotely program a new system and send out the swap ASAP. This is the most efficient way to manage the repair and replacement of defective systems. This is essentially a lifetime warranty while the merchant is with us and a level of service unparalleled by the competition.

Do all restaurants need a kitchen video display?
A kitchen video display system is usually only found in fast food restaurants and are not very common in casual or fine dining restaurants. If a merchant would like to quickly relay orders to the kitchen, the remote kitchen printer option will be sufficient for most restaurants.

Does Harbortouch work with gift cards?
Harbortouch POS systems work with our in-house gift card program.

Does Harbortouch work with loyalty cards?
Our loyalty card program should be released in the second or third quarter of 2011.

Will check guarantee or conversion services be available on the free POS system?
This is something that we hope to add at a later date but is not currently available.

Is the system compatible with Quickbooks or other accounting software?
Harbortouch and its online reporting systems allow exporting in a format that can be imported to most accounting systems, including Quickbooks.

Are there any trial programs available where a merchant can see if they like the system?
These systems are very expensive and it’s a large investment to set up a Harbortouch system at a merchant location. We are only making that investment after a merchant commits to the program.

Harbortouch Releases Kitchen Video System & Scale Accessories

Harbortouch is pleased to announce the release of two new POS accessories:

The first is a Kitchen Video System (KVS) which consists of a 17" monitor and "bump pad", which is basically a remote control for the screen. The monitor is installed in the kitchen and displays all orders placed by the servers or cashiers, allowing orders to be quickly relayed from the front line to the kitchen. Each order is listed in detail with modifiers/choices appearing in different colors. The kitchen staff is then able to manage the orders using the bump pad, deleting each order from the queue as it is completed. Perfect for quick service restaurants, each order is timed and the clock will turn red when the order time reaches a specified threshold.
The next accessory is a digital scale. There are actually two models being offered, one for retail (CAS PD-II) and one for hospitality (Avery-Berkel). Both models feature a heavy-duty cast aluminum casing and an easy to clean stainless steel platform on top. The scales are highly accurate and are NTEP certified. Their "auto zeroing" technology allows them to be automatically calibrated when zero weight is on the platform. They also feature a manual "zero" function key if there is a calibration error.
Harbortouch Technical Director Kei Cheng states, "We are constantly trying to improve our Harbortouch offering, whether that's through additional accessories or updated software. These two new accessories help us better meet the needs of many retail and hospitality merchants. This further opens up an already enormous market for our sales partners."
About Harbortouch
Harbortouch is the point of sale (POS) system division of United Bank Card, one of the largest payment processing and merchant account providers in the United States. Harbortouch is a leading national supplier of POS systems, delivering an advanced POS system that can benefit a merchant through streamlined operations, countless time and money saving features and advanced reporting. The company's revolutionary free POS system program provides the most affordable POS solution on the market. Harbortouch combines the highest quality hardware with the most advanced software to accommodate the point of sale needs of virtually every retail or hospitality business. For additional information about Harbortouch POS, visit or contact 877-677-0449.
SOURCE: Harbortouch

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ask the Foodist: Why Are Some Restaurants Cash Only?

Dear Foodist:

I recently tried to pay a restaurant check with a credit card but was told they only accepted cash. And it was a nice place. What gives?

--Plastic Man

Dear Plastic Man:

It's one thing for a sandwich shop or food truck to accept cash only, but when a place is charging $15 or more for entrees and offering wine by the bottle, not taking credit cards seems downright inhospitable. (And hospitality should be the guiding principle of any restaurant.) So why all the plastic hate? Well, first of all, smaller, independent restaurants--the kind people like me love to support--prefer cash for the same reason we all do: It's money in your pocket. Second, credit cards charge a merchant fee for every transaction, anywhere from 1.5 to 3 percent. And for a small business, every penny counts. If a place decides to take credit cards, the customers will likely pay the fee via higher menu prices. Restaurateurs have to decide whether they want to please themselves or their customers. To make sure you won't have to dine and dash next time, ask the restaurant what its policy is when you reserve.

Read More

Monday, June 20, 2011

Why You Need an ATM Machine

1- An ATM machine increases sales because it allows your customers to access all of their available cash from bank cards, credit cards, etc... from almost anywhere in the world.

2- An ATM transaction is guaranteed and eliminates charge backs, disputes, credit card fees and bad checks.

3- An ATM provides more security for you, your employees, and customers by providing less risk of robbery and employee theft.

4- You greatly reduce or eliminate the credit card fees you are currently paying by directing your customers to the ATM.

5- An ATM saves employees time and customer embarrassment.

6- With an ATM your customers make electronic deposits directly into your bank account which saves you both time and work.

7- Your potential customers will no longer have to stop at your competitors to get cash (and spend it there).

8- You will have customers stopping at your place of business because the competition cannot accommodate their needs.

9- When you provide new and unique services for your patrons, your image is improved.

10- You should earn more than enough profit from surcharge fees to pay for the ATM. The big profit is from the additional sales from the thousands of extra dollars available in your facility.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Multi-Location POS Inventory Systems

by Stewart Green
Need a way to keep track of your stocks, inventories in both warehouses, your stores, and even have to make sure that any products that are requested from the warehouse to the store or even store to store be tracked as well?
There are a few POS systems that can do this by itself. No need to use one brand of POS for the POS machines, another separate inventory software for the warehouses, another to keep track of the requests, and yet another software to tie it all up when you need to make reports.
You can buy one single POS system to do all of these. The biggest difference to other POS software is that these POS use only one database and yet, they are able to do the things you need to, in order to manage your business.
These POS softwares can be used right in the warehouses where you need to keep tabs on the stock levels of your merchandise, they are also used in the stores where you keep track of the sales and the inventory, and at the same time, you can also track merchandises that have been requested from one party to another.
This means that if one store has requested products from the warehouse or from another store, you can easily see the request and more importantly, know exactly where the merchandise is at that particular moment. This feature of the POS software is indispensable when making reports in your end. You do not need to use any other software in addition to what you purchased to know where your products are being taken.
Other than these features, a good POS software also allows you to track any inventory easily without having to do actual tracing since any product that went through the system will eventually show up in your end. It would also show where it went, how long it stayed there and where it was delivered to.
Not all POS software that is commercially available has all these features. Most have good tracking softwares. Others have good POS capabilities but poor database management. Still, others have good report generation and product tracking, but not much of anything else.
It is important that you try to find the best all-around touch pos software with the budget that is available to you since the importance of inventory controls cannot be understated when it comes to your business. The less you worry about the ins and outs of inventory management and more on increasing sales, the more profits you will get in the end.

Monday, June 13, 2011

POS System: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why can't I just stick with paper records?

It takes a considerable amount of time to record every business transaction by hand. And that doesn't even include the time to duplicate the information into a spreadsheet or database for further analysis! A POS system can keep track of all sales, returns, taxes, inventory, etc. so you can concentrate on other aspects of the business. While POS takes an investment to get started, the time savings and productivity increase more than makes up for the expenditure.

What equipment do I need to get set up?

POS customers need a phone connection, Internet access, and working electrical outlets. If you have these components, vendors can set you up with POS in a cinch! You don't even need to own a computer since most vendors provide one as part of the entire system package.

How can POS help prevent theft?

POS systems provide multiple tools to stop shrinkage before it eats into your profits. Various applications allow you to track every item in your inventory so you can estimate exactly how much profit you should realize for every sale and pinpoint problems with your margins. If there are discrepancies, it will raise immediate red flags so you can address the problem head-on.

I'm not that computer savvy. Will I be able to use POS and its functionality?

Absolutely. A vendor can help you set up the software to do the things that you want. You'll then be able to navigate through a series of menus that's easy to follow. When the vendor sets you up, they will provide full training with you and your staff for how to use it. And if you have a problem, a POS customer service professional is just a phone call away!

Can POS handle sales or manage inventory?

Both! You can enter your daily transactions AND check inventory…but that's just the beginning! POS software also allows you to track sales performance, generate different reports, set up reminders for inventory that's getting low, and plan future sales campaigns. You can use the customer data you collect to target effective sales campaigns and stock your shelves with the items they purchase the most.

When do I need wireless?

Business people on the go depend on wireless POS technology, particularly those that do trade shows, work in restaurants, or conduct any business where they want to enter transactions without having to walk over to a stand alone terminal.

Should I buy a flat-screen LCD monitor, or a less expensive CRT monitor?

There are too many benefits to LCD displays over CRT that you shouldn't ignore. They will last much longer, they don't require as much electricity, and they take up less space. Plus, they are far more attractive. CRT screens are fine for low volume sales and if you're not sure that POS is right for your business. But with the additional benefits afforded to flat screens, there will be little cost difference between the two.

What's better: a thermal printer or a dot matrix printer?

For most businesses, a thermal printer works best. There are less moving parts so it's less likely to break down. It's also the only option if you are going to work wirelessly. However, dot matrix printers are safer choices in hospitality kitchens since the heat from the ovens, grills, and fryers could warp thermal paper and ink.

What happens if my POS breaks down while conducting business?

This is one of the top reasons why it's important to back up your database frequently. System failures can happen for a variety of reasons – power outages, system crashes, viruses, natural disasters, etc. By implementing a backup solution (preferably offsite so your critical data is protected), you ensure the system is always up and running when you need it the most. More importantly, by backing up data, you ensure you can retrieve all customer information, sales figures, and custom reports you have saved prior to the crash.

What kind of customer support can I expect?

We'd like to give you a cut and dry answer. Unfortunately, there isn't one. Customer service policies will vary from vendor to vendor. While one might have round-the-clock telephone support and local repair technicians, others may only have phone support during normal business hours and can only schedule repair requests a full day in advance.

This is one of the key advantages to meeting with multiple vendors during your POS search. Since customer support is likely one of your most pressing needs, you can look into the offerings of different vendors and take your time before making a purchasing decision.

What if I need POS for multiple locations?

For large businesses that need several POS systems in various locations, you generally have two options. The first is each location operates independently with its own terminal and software. You can then send reports over to the corporate offices at the end of the day or week.

The second option involves connecting all terminals to a central server allowing reports and sales figures to be uploaded and downloaded in real time. The benefit of the second option is that it's available remotely. However, with several terminals working on the same server, backlogs are possible if all locations try and send information over at once.

With both solutions, it's imperative to have a robust back up solution since the central server connects all locations – if it fails, every location could be inoperable.

Do I need to license the software?

You typically need an individual license for each terminal hosted on your network. Vendors can offer volume discounts depending on the number of licenses you need.

Is it important to have a maintenance contract?

It's certainly worth the expense if you want to stay up and running at all times. Once you get set up with a POS system, you will use it for day-to-day operations and future business analysis. If the machine breaks down or you experience a disaster, you probably don't want to be without it for too long.

Depending on the vendor, a maintenance contract can cost a few hundred dollars per year and provide you with peace of mind so you can concentrate on running and growing your business.

CLICK HERE - Get a FREE POS System for your business TODAY!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Is a Point-Of-Sale System the Solution for your Food Truck?

By Dougal Smith
Whether you are a brand new business or one that has years of operation under your belt, some fundamentals never change. As a POS consultant I have businesses call looking for a POS. This is good as it is what I sell. One fundamental I see missing over and over again is this: The prospect is looking for a POS not a POS SOLUTION.
When purchasing any product for your business it is critical to understand why you are buying it. Almost, without exception, the first question I ask is “What problems do you currently have that you want the POS to resolve?” The silence following this question can be deafening. My general advice is don’t buy a solution if you don’t have a problem.
A POS solution is a business tool pulling front of house, back of house and administration into a streamlined program. Reasons you may need a POS include better reporting, speed of service, order accuracy and loyalty programs. Most POS systems handle these but all have their own strengths and weaknesses. Understanding the problems you have will lead to understanding the solution that best fits your business.
POS solutions are a big investment. Don’t buy a POS simply because you assume you need one because everyone else uses one. For a very, very, long time, electronic cash registers have provided safe, reliable solutions.
Am I crazy suggesting people buy a simple cash register? Considering I sell POS solutions, maybe. At the end of the day though, selling a solution to someone who does not have a problem is bad for everyone involved. Before you buy, think about the solutions you need. Whether this is POS or dish soap ask yourself, “What problem does this solve?”